...she commented.
I find this article amusing considering the majority of Jezebel writers refer to the appearance of both men and women all the time.
Seriously. White girl wearing scarf, black guy with glasses, white guy with disheveled hair. What's weird about that? It's the bottom three who look odd to me. Especially the guy with the eye.
How do the top three look anything but normal?
Agreed. I am a skeletal, socially awkward sociophobe with poor skin and bad mannerisms and I'd just like to say that we are still in control. Stay out of our territory, norms.
Fuck Sylvia Plath. I had to read her awful poetry at college and I refuse to read The Bell Jar purely on principle.
I'm fairly certain Mr Murdoch can afford to pay his medical bills.
As ridiculous as his statement is, asking whether rape merits the death penalty is equally ridiculous.
Oh man. 30 Rock, Breaking Bad and almost certainly Community. At least Parks and Rec is still here and Arrested Development is back.
You're completely correct, and that's why I said mostly agree. Aspergers could be considered a mental illness, but obviously that would not be reasonable grounds. Perhaps a better term would be mentally unstable.
Who are you defending yourself against? I've never seen anyone say that mentally ill people shouldn't play video games. The only thing I've seen people saying is that mentally ill people shouldn't be able to buy guns, which I mostly agree with.
Coolest Nazi ever.
He can write whatever he likes. He doesn't have to be 'down' with anybody.
I think they're making a joke about how people perceive the show and that people should stop trying so hard to be offended by things.
The majority of them are actually pretty unattractive. Just sayin'.
Agreed! In real life killing a person is A Big Deal. In video games it rarely is unless it's a main character, and even then you often have no choice in the matter, making the player effectively non-accountable. I've actually thought before about a hypothetical game in which anybody you killed showed you a montage of…
Statistical analysis measures trends, and yes, it would be silly to say that games contribute significantly to violence. But if a single game causes a single person to act violently - which has happened - then they have contributed, and it's not unrealistic to suggest that they could again.
This likely won't be a popular opinion on a gaming blog, but I think games probably can, and do, contribute to violence, and I think it's a bit silly to think otherwise.