Yeah, I felt it was a deeply emotional memory about the loss one feels when your child has gone beyond your control, out of your sight, and out of your protection.
Yeah, I felt it was a deeply emotional memory about the loss one feels when your child has gone beyond your control, out of your sight, and out of your protection.
Refusing to discuss it, or ridiculing those who are discussing it when it is extremely timely and culturally relevant to do so, is definitely not a good way to end rape culture.
You are exactly right. And yet the OP's comment makes the claim that "We know it's bad, the guys who don't…..well we don't listen to them or they're in jail..for you know? Rape." Not many people are filling our jails for the types of rapes being shown in this show. If Cersei tried to press charges against Jaime in a…
Too many rapes are never reported or prosecuted. It comes down to he said/she said. And guess who they tend to give the benefit of the doubt?