
Bad stopage.

These games look cool. Are they easy to understand? I used to play Warcraft II but I’m really out of the loop. Do I need a special computer?

What I see in these situations is a direct conflict between what Kickstarter is meant to be and how the video game industry works.

For me it’s all about time. If I have feelings that can be in direct conflict with my partner I just wait a couple of hours until I process them first. If it’s necessary to bring it up it will be further on in my own thought process and it will be a less emotional stance. In all honesty about half of it works itself

He’s American.


Eat Less, Walk More.

You don’t.

I think this can be classified as Munchausen’s by proxy.

Wait, you know most people?

Wait, you know most people?

I use this. Not bad.

I use this. Not bad.

Exactly, the only time I was part of the wedding party I did not give a gift. The plane ticket alone was $800.

Release the game on time without bugs?

Camino De Santiago. This hike is not only very social but is actually good for you. I lost 28 pounds and made some friendships that will last a lifetime.

I honestly don’t know if it’s the way things used to be, where a guy just had to bust their ass to come up in the business, or me glorifying the past but there were a lot of great wrestlers in that time. The fact that many of them didn’t get a World Title run is insane. Nowadays all of them would’ve. Heck The Miz got

In our defence, it’s only if you’re hot.

It’s super hard. It’s ten events. And yes back then Olympics were more important for americans. She did the Wheaties box and everything.

Even half a google can find it for you.

You know she won a decathlon. That shit is hard as hell.

Thats pretty good. A tablespoon of olive oil is about 130.