
Ted Cruz has bragged about how he has the Constitution memorized.

thats a holdover from the previous administration, when departments actually meant something and were staffed with qualified people, or were just staffed.

72 Dodge Dart... not a picture of my actual car either as mine would be shown wrapped around a tree.

I can’t fucking wrap my head around people who are so near sighted. Why does it take something like this to happen to you before you realize shit can happen to anybody? That hard working people can lose their jobs through no fault of their own, and need some assistance to get back on their feet? That helping them

To be clear... ^^^ not my actual car, mine looked very much like that one just with steel wheels, If I can dig it out the only picture of my actual car I have was somewhat more.... errr... upside down and in a field!

i understand thats what partisan litigants might say” is the new “i’m sorry that you were offended by what i did.

The most hilarious thing about Ted Cruz defending the Muslim ban is that for decades, and I literally mean decades, Ted Cruz has bragged about how he has the Constitution memorized.

I was really hoping for a twist in the show and that Clay killed himself... god that character was sooo fricking stupid.

I’m Canadian, and I can tell you how our system, while it does have its problems, is light-years better than anything available in the US.

More than anything, I couldn’t get over Clay going up to people and asking them about the tapes, only to be told “you’ve got to finish the tapes, Clay.” Only for him to do it again the next episode.

The ACA was birthed in 1989 by the conservative Heritage Foundation. The centerpiece of their plan for a better healtcare system? The Individual Mandate. In 2006, Governor Mitt Romney took the Heritage plan and mixed in a healthy dose of the Clinton plan from the early ‘90's (the insurance exchanges being the primary

true... sometimes it must be more immediate (themselves). But everytime I read one of these stories, it reminds me of a few of the Congressional GOP that were ranting about gays until they discover that one of their kids is gay and suddenly they are big supporters of gay rights.

Just proves how fucking selfish conservatives are.

Yeah, my takeaway too. I can’t take this woman seriously at all. It’s as if binding oneself to an ideology and ignoring the details is...harmful? Not a smart plan?

Yup. “Oh, it’s ME this time? Well, fuck, that’s different!” She’s no fucking hero because it took a personal setback to get her to acknowledge compassion.

Holy shit, I was unaware of that quote and just googled it in disbelief. I just...holy shit.

Even if it IS them. Craig T Nelson’s “I’ve been on food stamps and welfare. Anybody help me out? No.” is always a depressing classic.

Most of these types never get it unless it happens to them. That’s the sad effect of American individualism.

Every fucking time about every fucking issue... unless its their family or friends, they just dont care. To the GOP, empathy is a foreign concept - and its all too clear what they think of foreigners.

Same old story: Selfish, Republican shithead winds up in a situation where they have to actually use the social benefits which they have heretofore spent so much time and effort railing against. Lightbulb turns on over their head and they realize the value of social programs. Lather, rinse, repeat.