If the Cowboys and Patriots meet in the Super Bowl, 150 million people will watch and I will stand on a nearby mountaintop, begging any nearby meteors to come take us out.
If the Cowboys and Patriots meet in the Super Bowl, 150 million people will watch and I will stand on a nearby mountaintop, begging any nearby meteors to come take us out.
TOO many close-up photos and photos with stylized angles.... let me see the car as a whole please.
Yeah - one vote. Geez, people in this country really are fucking idiots.
you already did fuck me and the rest of the country too. Nice job dipshit.
The fact that this acceptable to a majority of the country...
Look - I completely agree that voter suppression works. Thats why they continue to do it. Thats why it is also important to have people stand up and say NO! Here Evens and Kaepernick were willing to speak out about being oppressed, but unwilling to take it one step further and push others to speak out with a vote.…
“Open your fucking eyes” to what? What does your linked article have to do with taking part in an election?
here is a very good article for you to read:
Wake up. If 100%, 90% or even 80% of the people in this country bothered voting, then the politicians would actually give a fuck what the people had to say and would have to answer to them. Right now, less than a quarter voted for the guy who is going to be sitting in office. Do you think the politicians give a shit…
The limp pro-voting lines? What a fucking idiot you are. How do you expect to get change to happen without engaging in it?
Bullshit. As I noted on another post... voting isnt simply choosing a president. Voting includes weighing in on local issues, local representatives, state representatives, etc... Those choices eventually filter to the national stage, and yes, the presidential nominees. 45% of this countries eligable voters didnt…
voting is more than just A or B for a presidential selection. Voting includes local issues, local representatives, state representatives, etc... Skipping voting simply because you dont like the presidential candidates is idiotic.
I want to focus my efforts on finding more effective ways to communicate my message and bring about change....
While I completely agree with the issue that these movies shouldnt be made so quickly, at this point conveying any semblance of truth is the last thing the execs care about. Its like a gawker article with a nasty title - just quick clicks and cash at the box office.
based on its second response to you... lets go with “stupid”
Did Mike Evans vote in this election?
lets cut it to 2 (short) years... mid term sweep after people realize what sitting and not voting actually wrought!!
Though it would be nice to see a candidate that gets people enthusiastic, the voting numbers over time dont show that to be correct. Yes, this year was exceedingly mind numbing and mustered an incredibly weak turn-out, but even on a really good year, over 35% still arent voting. Its pathetic.
I do not blame those that voted third party as they got up and stated their view. I do blame the 45% of Americans that couldnt be bothered to get off their ass and vote. Just pisses me off that we end up with this dangerous clown because of it.