
It’s a police officers job to stop crime/criminals. Not some random person on the street. The person on the street only has a self defense claim. And in this case all claim to self defense went away as soon as the guy starts running. Maybe one or two shots would be ok after that before the fact the guy was retreating

You probably forgot the caveat to that rule:
Unless it’s a woman accusing a man of something. Then he’s guilty until proven guiltier, even if the woman eventually claims she made it up.

You do realize it’s still made by literally the same studio, just with 20 some odd years of staff rollover and the occasional name change because EA felt like it.

For examples:

They are by definition opposite ends of scale.
A story does not an RPG make. Quests does not an RPG make.
Your characters abilities determining success or failure an RPG makes.
Whereas in an action game the players abilities determine success or failure.

though sure, some games try to bridge the gap where

Eh, I put FF on probation with FFXIII. FFXV sealed the deal.
Haven’t bought an entry since.  And largely just stopped caring.

Eh.  Squares been trying to stop making FF an RPG since at least FFXIII.

With the single sole exception of XII somehow being right at the top and not down near the bottom, I feel generally speaking the order is about right.  Maybe placing a game up or down one position here and there, but more or less right....  Again, with the exception of XII.. which should have been just a step above XV.

Internet company wants to be paid for its work.
Freeloaders throw fit and storm off.
Internet company doesn’t (immediately) care because they were freeloaders, so there is no (immediate) impact.
Remains to be seen if Freeloaders generated enough “content” for non freeloaders to leave now that they are not generating

So.... Majority of mobile and switch players are female, and significantly less than half PS5 owners are female...

You can’t possibly get everything done working three days a week in the office and two days remotely.

Very cynical of you to use children as examples. I can only assume you’re hoping peoples outrage about “the poor children” will cause them to turn off their brains and fail to realize that almost none of the incidents described actually involved the children being racially profiled.

Were there really so few cases of

Imagine that. The mystique of the college education, ‘causing everybody to want/need one (in spite of them rarely being actually needed) led to the cost to obtain them going up.
While the increased supply of people having one led to their value going down.

There’s probably some “well duh” economics lesson in there

Ukraine is also, from what I understand, fairly corrupt (though nowhere near as corrupt as the Russian Federation), and the Azov Battalion did have its roots as a Neo Nazi militia, that came to fame in large part due to being a key part of pushing back Russia’s initial landgrab in the Donbas in 2014. (Shortly after

I must have missed the part where the U.S. was attacked. (or any countries they are treaty bound to defend)

I’d imagine the fact that the country was in the middle of a massive public health emergency that required massive amounts of spending that garned bipartisan support had a great deal to do with that. Emergencies happen, and that’s a good example of when the debt limit should be ignored.  Not when things are (mostly)

Probably because China and Russia not being particularly friendly is a thing that has to be taken under consideration.  They’re even worse than the Republicans at taking care of the poor and hungry, and I’d rather them not be the ones in control of me.

Best way to prevent Republicans from playing Chicken again with the debt limit in 2025?

Get the spending under control so the U.S. doesn’t get near the limit. It ain’t exactly rocket science.

If they make any attempt to do so, then it (should) become a clear case of self-defense when you hit the gas and go over that 20mph mark.

Forgot to add how Steam, GoG and Epic launchers all also suck.

(Aren’t some of these storefronts too?)

Fact Check:
Holding up traffic is not minding their own business. It’s pretty much the precise opposite of that. It’s actively getting in the way of everybody elses business.

While it probably doesn’t justify brandishing a gun, it easily explains him getting angry and losing his cool.