
And some people wonder why not everybody is in favor of free college.

So much that. I’m 90% convinced his repeated denial was precisely because he’s planning to commit suicide (or at least fake the attempt), and wants there to be a big investigation/hooplah over it when it happens. One last chance at fame by doing the exact same thing. Alleging a crime was committed that wasn’t.

There are other ways than voting to effect regime change. If Putin was that convinced he was in firm control and there couldn’t be a popular revolt, there would be no need to suppress the press. He *needs* to keep the people blaming the west for how shitty things may get. If too much of the blame shifts his way, even

I find the lack of news about various game companies (Nintendo, ActiBliz, EA) cutting off Russia somewhat perplexing. One would think that would be right up this sites alley?

Heck, the article about EA’s initial response hasn’t even been updated to include their follow up.

Hot take:

The people of the LPR and DPR have specifically sought out outside military aid because the Ukrainian military has been terrorizing civilians in the region at least since the coup in 2014.

I’ll say it again.
Valve, Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, ABK, Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, and basically everybody that are significant sources of online entertainment (except news/social media)

IP Block Russia until Putin is forced out by popular uprising. Sanctions or not he and the Oligarchs will barely be affected.

They had already taken over Hong Kong.

Imagine if the U.S. was constantly threatening to invade Mexico/Canada, and/or had just annexed Baja.

It’s entirely Russia’s fault Ukraine WANTS to join NATO. NATO isn’t exactly holding a gun to Ukraine’s head and saying “join us or die”.

Other than Trump, I’m not seeing a lot (Any? Though I haven’t looked hard) of GOP politicians being pro Putin. There are, however, a whole lot that are blaming Bidin’s (alleged) incompetence for giving Putin the green light.

(Which, yeah. Would this be happening without the Afghanistan debacle? Unclear.)

That, and IP Block the shit outta Russia.

“This is genius,” lauded Trump on a radio program on Thursday. “So Putin is now saying it’s independent — a large section of Ukraine. I said, how smart is that? And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper.”

with advanced weaponry and arms being supplied to both

Yeah, because if Ukraine had joined NATO he wouldn’t have been able to do... This.

Dear Valve, Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft, Activision, EA, Take-Two, Bandai Namco, Square, Ubisoft, Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO Max, Amazon, etc.

IP Block Russia.

The shooting ended after someone returned fire, hitting Smith in the hip area

You can see why they’ve done so from their points of view: the shopfronts give them a chance to sell things directly, rather than give a cut to Valve or Epic. The proprietary nature of the launcher means they get to have you log in to a specific account, and entangle yourself in all kinds of other locked-in stuff like


White Male here. I had problems depositing a check for less than that. Eventually just exchanged it with the person paying me for two checks of half the amount. Seems silly, but apparently the bank had a ~$5,000 limit for depositing checks. And that was depositing, not cashing.

Why so much more snark in this article than the one about the pokemon card theft, when both thefts are of “worthless” greater fool theory “investments”?