
You and the prosecution must have different ideas as to what is considered provoking an attack, as the prosecution, as far as I have seen, made absolutely no attempt to suggest that Rittenhouse provoked the attack.  Much less with the intent to use the attack as an excuse to kill.

Apparently the prosecution rested it’s defense today, and now it’s up to the defense to prove he’s guilty.

Aaron Rodgers, the former Mr. Olivia Munn and current Mr. Shailene Woodley, is not vaccinated, choosing to forgo this life-saving little jab due to “sterility” concerns.

In a certain sense though, a great way to remove all the risk of another round of protest/looting/riots/etc. is to demonstrate for everybody that it clearly was self defense... and the trial seems to be doing an amazing job in that regards.

I guess ~2000 years is still “too soon” for gallows humor for some people.

Probably because his argument is (allegedly?) based on a strict interpretation of the constitution, and is thus (allegedly?) simply an attempt at undoing the work of the activist justices responsible for Roe and Casey.

15 weeks is also well before viability

I’d have to argue those last two bullet points of “Key Information” are true regardless of where you’re going.

So... probably not COVID-19 then?

I’m assuming the answer is supposed to be Florida?

Because, theoretically, those are the ones they actually care about keeping. The 5% raise for the guy who just started yesterday is just for optics so that the 20% raise for the Senior Engineers/artists/etc. so they don’t ditch for EA, Amazon, Bethesda, or Gearbox doesn’t look as bad. They don’t give a darn if that

There’s no system for a retrial when a defendant is acquitted.

Nah, the deputy interpreted as an anti-police joke, and didn’t want anybody anti-police on the jury as they might be inclined to vote guilty.

But you can do that with the Bible and, well, I don’t hear anybody trying to ban the Bible.

Pretty sure that “forced to do it” defense didn’t work for Irmgard Furchner, and Nazi’s are a WHOLE lot scarier than Epstein.

Crap, it’s jumped to birds now?  Avian flu pt. 2.

From quick google search, the Crown Estate (Property the Royal family owns but whose profit goes to the government not the Royal Family) alone brings in about the same amount of profit to the government as the government spends on the Royal Family, *including* the lost taxes on their property. (Which is peanuts)

You forgot option D:

Also, it’s a civil suit. What’s New York going to do if she wins, ask the Queen to dock his pay?