
I’m sure you’re going to just go ahead and dismiss this because you aren’t actually looking for an answer, but...

He may not be literally on trial, but both self defense and citizens arrest arguments essentially revolve around “The other guy did it”, so yeah. He’s on trial. That’s pretty much how this is SUPPOSED to work. Flip the roles around, and if the defense creates reasonable doubt he’s not innocent... that’s self defense.

1. They restricted the law, they didn’t outright repeal it.

People (The mother in particular) seem convinced that the only options are suicide and murder. The mother basically straight out said that the coroners ruling of drowning is a disgrace because there’s no way her son committed suicide.

1. They are the ones who found his clothes, not the ones that found the car.

I’m just curious how they are going to get around the constitution. I doubt they have enough votes to create a new Amendment as was done to make the income tax legal, and it sure reads like a clear violation of Article I, Section 9, Clause 4.

Last I read, he was (allegedly?) acting as security for private property with the approval of the owner of said private property. That isn’t law enforcement.

Which sure seems like what the judge actually said, for those caring to read the article.

IMO that’s why “general case*citizens arrest laws are a bad idea, and just about any random person attempting to execute a citizens arrest is an idiot.

Bolden Day and Jackson said the license plates were removed from Jelani’s car, although police have not confirmed that publicly.

Read the article

Chasing somebody (assuming he did) is never self defense. Not even under stand your ground. As soon as you chase you are the aggressor. Full stop.

there’s no fucking way you can let the defense call the victims “looters” and “arsonists” when there’s no evidence they were looting or committing arson

You do realize that:

vampire can be a ghost

Interesting, I was always under the impression that LOTR and TLTW&TW were the result of an (unofficial?) contest between the two to write the better Jesus Allegory.

I don’t really see how hacking their servers is any real sort of disincentive.

Even if you prove they helped plan the rallies though, (Which, Duh, weren’t many of them speaking at them?) there’s a step between that and proving they planned the ensuing riot through the capitol.

I mean he had obviously thought of that shit before. You don’t gte mad at your good friend and suddenly decide to make a slave poster for funs.

Studies show that the victims of hate crimes can suffer from depression, increased anxiety, low self-esteem and insecurity among other things. Everyone deserves the right to feel safe and welcome in our communities, and my office will continue to charge and prosecute anyone, regardless of age, who engages in this