
Stepping down as the sponsor of the companies “Women’s Network” isn’t exactly what I would call “Out”.

Are you also against Lego Minifigure Blind Bags?

I’m just going to speak from my own anecdotal evidence... I’ve seen multiple occasions now in level 50+ content (like Crystal Tower raids, which I get basically every day in alliance raid roulette) people raging over “WoWfugees” shitting things up and not knowing the mechanics. One person actually left the raid when

I swear to god I start shaking, I become so enraged just thinking about it. I want to storm out into the street, grab an anti-vaxxer and just scream in their faces, “THIS IS YOUR FAULT! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU STUPID, STUPID FUCKERS!”

Who says the rules are the same as basketball, and it isn’t just get through the ring?

Another take:

That seems like a bad idea. One of the primary complaints against CEO’s is they frequently seem like soulless number crunchers who care solely about the bottom line and lack all empathy. And, admittedly, studies suggest an abnormal percentage of them are probably psychopaths. I’m not sure making it so they actually

Eh, letting people go for failure to actually do their jobs seems fine. (Though typically I believe most employment contracts require some form of warning/probationary period first.)

She’d have a point...

I’m unconvinced things like:

Spoken just like somebody who isn’t creative enough to come up with their own stuff and wants to profit off somebody elses creativity.


As near as I can tell from reading the linked articles, the initial autopsy allegedly DID find soot ring/etc. It was the second family requested autopsy that failed to find those indicators because (according to the pathologists who did the original autopsy) the body was cleaned after the original autopsy.

2.1 percent less chance of getting contacted for an interview compared to white-sounding names.

The suit also mentions that “...cheaters illegitimately obtain and thereby devalue the in-game rewards that non-cheaters obtain legitimately.”

I’ll never understand what it is with Chicago and their ugly monuments. First there’s the Picasso, then the “Flaming”, then the farkin’ “Bean”, and now this?

I mean, it’s rude to get somebodies name wrong... But the tone of this article does seem to suggest there’s more to “Bon Quisha” than simply matching a picture with the wrong persons name? Is it like some stereotype slur I’m unaware of?

I think I’d want to see the shirt first. I think I’d find it a bit hard to completely fault the Blizzard employees if the reference to “Penetration Testing” on her shirt was pretty clearly playing to the sexual double entendre to begin with.

