

I assume the argument is that using a drug to rape women is a common m/o, and thus doesn’t serve to identify a perpetrator.

So what exactly was the “prosecutorial misconduct”?

In defense of the Klan (ick) I’d assume they’ve been deplatformed from pretty much everywhere. It’s not like you can hit up facebook for an invite to their local uhm... Koven?

Hot take:

It’s really about knowing who to kidnap for blood harvesting once the race war starts and they need emergency transfusions due to the gunshot wounds.

It doesn’t take much justification. One of the reasons for the protections afforded officers was the expectation that nobody would be willing to do those jobs if those protections weren’t there. So take away those protections, and, well, looks like it was a good guess. Nobodies gonna do those jobs. Welcome to the

Sure. Under normal circumstances.

Wrong question.

I feel Mass Effect, (Unless it’s “Mass Effect: First Contact”) would make for a horrible Movie.

Wait? Those are shoes? For normal people? I figured they were some sort of weird medical prosthetics for people who were born clubfoot.

In an ideal world, it’d be because EA is about to announce remasters/remakes.

Agreed. They are almost certainly, at best, indifferent to the ramifications to “voluntary” sex workers, because that isn’t a valid profession in the first place, and they should get real jobs anyways. At worst it’s active punishment for engaging in what they probably view as morally reprehensible behavior akin to

Were there two reports? You seem to be referring to both an OAG report and a GAO report? I’m not sure what the “correct” acronym is for the Government Accountability Office, but my guess is you’re using two different ones interchangeably for some unspecified reason.

I actually vaguely recall an analysis some time ago that purported to show how two income families frequently end up with less disposable income than single income families. (that said, a lot of the “two income” costs in the analysis were clear bullshit, particularly “2nd car” and “computer”... though admittedly, this

Uhm, I thought the entire thing was that “the right” is under the impression nobody is taking those jobs because they are living large on their increased unemployment benefits, (hence the push to end them) not that they are (finally) getting better jobs as the right has suggested all along.

In my experience, grabbing lunch off campus during high school, the restaurants (at least those nearest the school) were mostly staffed by retired folk* during school hours. (The one lady I got to know had no family nearby, and it was basically her way of getting out and socializing/meeting people.)

Sure. But it allows us to have smaller more agile local governments that can actually get stuff done. We’re also one country whose individual members are about the same size (if not larger) than most other countries.

In some attempt at fairness, it’s obvious that her medical providers were NOT on the same page, as she was also seeing an obstetrician, who allegedly had no idea she was on the medication. (Though she claims she told them.)

The ability to look down to see somebodies body through a door window requires that the window is sufficiently below eye level, and the persons head is close to the vehicle. Most cars today are SUV’s/pickups, making the former case less likely, and the whole point of distancing is to, well, keep distance, meaning