
I suspect the “abusing the poor bastard while he’s dying” was more accurately “easiest way to dump the body” so he didn’t have to explain why he was in illegal possession of a gun.

If you’re playing Bethesda games on a console, you’re already doing it wrong regardless of which one it is.

The reasons why things went so poorly during the pandemic is because discretionary international travel is commonplace. There is more and more evidence that it had already spread outside China by mid December. We MAY have been able to reduce the death count (in the U.S. at least), if Trump had been capable of pivoting

Of course they don’t. My sainted mother’s as virginal as she was the day I was born.

Yeah, but does the U.S. and the international community at large really need to know, or only the people responsible for practices at the Wuhan Lab?

I think the issue is the same as the election fraud. When you’re looking for something to blame, evidence of motive, means, and opportunity is sufficient evidence that foul play occurred even if you can’t find the body.

That’s what I’m seeing to. Doesn’t even look particular passionate, or “making out”. Maybe it’s the clip quality, but it doesn’t even look open mouth. It looks pretty much what you’d expect a “kiss for the camera” kiss would look like.

Is there an “I suck” mode that automatically matches PC players with Console suckers?  err... Players?

1. That’s idiocy, a PIT maneuver, last I checked, is classified as lethal force (for reasons that should be obvious to anybody who’s read this article).

The problem is they have run the numbers. Those crackers are 40% of the tax base of Atlanta, and are apparently getting tired of paying for everybody elses trash collectors/fire dept/executive branch/library/utilities, and most importantly, cops. The latter of which I have no doubt they intend to treat MUCH better

1. Visiting the border is performative concern.

I think the easy answer is with something like half of Atlanta’s tax base concentrated in a much smaller area, they just take the Atlanta PD lock, stock, and barrel as part of the divorce agreement.

Don’t remember the exact statistic, but something like half of Atlanta’s budget comes from them. That kind of money can buy a WHOLE lot of extra police officers to patrol that “geographic line” and keep the “riffraff” out.

In some attempt at fairness that’s sorta how primitive vaccines worked... if you conflate weakened/attenuated with the more modern scientific sounding “Low viral load”.

IMO, a lot of “religious” dietary restrictions make a lot of sense for the time period they derive from. It’s a lot easier (whether you are God or whether you’re a fraudulent village shaman) to tell people “god says not to eat shellfish” than try to explain (or figure out) why Bob, Sally, and Mary all keeled over dead

It’s almost enough to make you think that maybe “melting pot” isn’t really a good thing.

“He made it an issue with the police, egging them on,” and that “the first police officer had her taser out and she did have to call back up.” But nobody shot his white ass?

Well, by all reports they did let him remove the pepperoni, so it may not have been entirely about forcing him to eat something that was against his religion. (They just didn’t realize, believe, or perhaps care, that it was still tainted due to the residue) It could have just been an attempt at more “harmless” hazing.

That’s what I find a bit perplexing about this. He seems to be claiming that it WAS verified with the P.O., just not by him personally.

Out of WaPo views, but at least according to this article, the voluntary workout was the one he actually attended where they forced him to eat the Pizza. There is no indication the practice he missed was voluntary.