
The 4th level (lying) is any post that wasn’t covered by the other 3.  Duh.

It’s possible the “repeated refusal to wear her seatbelt” accusation is bull shit, and the “Karen” and her posse were upset about the FA’s refusal to wear her mask correctly. (She’s wearing it BELOW her nose at the start of the clip), and that may be what the “we are gonna sue you” is about, and the “attack” was

To be fair, there is such a thing as “Night shift”. Just because most people sleep from 10pm to 7am (or whatever normal quiet hours are) doesn’t mean all people do. (which is why I’ve never been a fan of “quiet hours”.) If somebody actually takes the time to walk up to you and politely ask you to keep it down, maybe

According to the woman fined:

You DO realize that your family are the assholes in your story, right?

So, the real story here is that lady got served notice that being black isn’t carte blanche to be an asshole like she thought it was?

Noise pollution, even of the too loud talking kind, has restrictions. IME doesn’t matter the source, only matters the db at the property line (IIRC, legal level varies based on time of day, bit unfair to those with night shifts, but whatever). It’s a law with a very easy solution. If somebody asks you if you can keep

Sure, NOW Illinois gives me a legal excuse to wear a bright red mohawk to school in defiance of the school rules.

Definitely. According to quick google search N.C. is a one party consent state. They wouldn’t even be breaking any laws by recording it all, as one party (them) is consenting.

Listen: People don’t walk away from paying jobs for no reason

One flaw in that theory. After the altercation the passenger is very quick to put the mask back on in place, even ensuring it’s over her nose.

And yet, one of my biggest gripes with the ME series (that, IIRC, is true of all 4 of them) is how amazingly unfriendly it is to folks who button through the dialog after reading it instead of waiting for the VA’s to recite their lines.

Hot take.

Been a REALLY long time, but I don’t really remember UIV having a morality meter.

I can’t help but wonder...

It’s only friggin’ popcorn. It’s not like it was a soda, or spit, or hotdog with the works, or something else that wouldn’t just bounce right off... and I mean LITERALLY bounce right off. As far as offenses go, throwing popcorn seems... eh? IMO even giving somebody the middle finger is more offensive.

I’d assume there is a difference between management and corporate management. As you say, it’s not a democracy. Presumably there are senior editors (or whatever the correct terminology is) that are in charge of content, and if they decide it goes, it goes.

The weird thing is I could have SWORN I remember seeing clips of builds years ago where it looked like significant aspects were in a nearly finished playable state. I sort of figured it was already actually finished by now.  Guess they’re just infinitely expanding the scope or something?

1. BLM never screamed for blood. If you think that, then you really have fallen for the agitprop pushed by the forces that oppose them.

And no. Officer Chauvin didn’t kneel on George Floyd’s neck for over 9 minutes by mistake.   “Oopsy doo, I didn’t mean to” is an absolutely ridiculous take.