
...in order to stop the rightful and peaceful transfer of power, the certification of the presidential election. Can’t leave that part out.

I’m curious.

Their argument is probably a BIT more involved than “following orders”.

My point is somebody sees a “news” article (I think it was Epoch Times) saying “New study finds mask wearing ineffective” that describes a study that shows infection rates for those that wore a mask were the same as for those that didn’t, they may not realize “wait a minute, the point of wearing a mask wasn’t to

It should probably be pointed out that the UI’s for a LOT of games are flash based. (A.k.a scaleform)

To be fair, there HAVE been some studies that indicate the mask doesn’t seem to do much to protect the wearer. But the adults in the room have been pointing out time and time again that the primary purpose of the mask it to protect OTHER people. You need to wear the mask because it’s entirely possible even you don’t

Isn’t that sort of the opposite of cognitive dissonance? As you say, that’s completely straightforward logic, simply based on a (faulty) initial belief.

Just to pipe in, while it’s obvious that refusing to take the vaccine, (for those who are out and about in the herd and exposed to it) keeps the virus alive and circulating. It should be pointed out that if you pay careful attention to the Doctors, (e.g. the science) we don’t yet know that taking the vaccine helps

I’m confused.

In the same video, Kellyanne claimed that it’s impossible to get covid-19 from the president, despite the fact that she was diagnosed with covid-19 in October after attending a party with then-President Trump, who was also diagnosed with the deadly virus.

Maybe I’m missing something, but isn’t the point of the game “Do whatever it takes to be the last person standing in this every person for themselves free-for-all”? Isn’t everybody, basically by game design, supposed to be an asshole?

To be fair, “let the states handle the distribution”, is, as you point out, pretty obviously what was going on. And, contrary to the report, is an actual plan. Just not a plan the incoming administration agrees with in any way shape or form. Nor does it really require a whole lot of planning/paperwork/bureaucracy on

Nah, Trump had a plan, it’s just not a plan Biden agrees with in any way shape or form and refuses to recognize as an actual valid option, much less a plan.


Whose nagging?

In some defense, you’re the one jumping to that conclusion. Nothing in the quote indicates the wife is the source of that stress. Maybe the Mom is hoping for grandkids and would rather her son choose ways to relieve that stress that involve said wife... and conceivably results in grandkids.

1. And the alternative option is...?

Yeah, police/law enforcement talk about “credible threat”. Everybody else just calls it “threat”.

That DOES hurt my brain. Theoretically the tip is MUCH closer to the camera, so *should* appear much wider... except the width of the thing is basically consistent across the entire thing until right near the truck. So it seems like it’s perpedicular to the camera, which is clearly untrue.

Hot take: