
Because there are FAR more people entering Twitter than there are entering your house. The large social media platforms have, essentially, become part of the public sphere.

Hot Take.

I recognize that’s how things currently work. I’m saying that should be changed. I feel that once any sort of platforms user base reaches some certain percentage of the population, it should be regulated as a public utility. Primary regulation of which should be legally not allowed to censor anything.

Except prevention is precisely what all legal punishment is for, by way of deterrent.

Hot take:

To be fair to the brits, isn’t the theory that she’s black based entirely on a single painting where (unlike all the other paintings of her) she happens to have black features? Could just be the painter was bad and/or didn’t have enough access to the queen so was using a black woman as a stand in. Seems like there’s

Standoffs can only happen when the officers start off far enough away from a known threat to be safe. Idd didn’t become a known threat until the officers were too close for a standoff to be possible.

It’s much easier to wait out somebody shooting at you when you have cover than when you’re standing exposed in the middle of the street.

All the concerns I’ve heard of the vaccine have nothing to do with efficacy or short term safety. They are all about long term side effects. Which, as the technology itself is only something like 10 years old, there have likely been no studies on. For all we know the mRNA breaks down into something that ends up

Eh... I assume their only (possible) defense is that the shooting was justified for some reason, and thus no crime was even committed. Allowing the victim to be called victim in court (by anybody other than the prosecution) sort of negates that entire defense. So, makes sense. It’s up to the prosecution to prove the

So... is the local party store also racist for having a “Black Lights” section?  Inquiring minds want to know...

The recording also drew people in who were curious.

Which is why I find the defamation lawsuits/threats thereof by Dominion/Smartmatic interesting, as well as the radical rights caving to them.

Not sure what part of what I said you think Douglas is disagreeing with.  (though it’s interesting that he seems to like the monument, just seems to think there should be another one with a standing black person.)

I see what you mean, towards the beginning it isn’t clear what peoples “cost” is. I think it’s only at the Oil guy where he first tries to take his oil but instead takes his security force that it becomes clear he’s explicitly deciding what the cost is.... but then, before around that point the audience isn’t really

If he’s free, why is he still on his knees?

I’d be really curious on a “won’t take vaccine” by economic group/working from home status.

Now this is guinea pig shit. You want black folks to lead the way in getting vaccines

According to KFF, 71 percent of Republicans believe that vaccination is a personal choice, while everyone else says it’s “part of everyone’s responsibility to protect others.”

RE: 230