
Pretty amazing how he is willing to frack over pretty much everybody (except Biden/The democrats) in order to keep his election fraud claims alive.



If that was a gun they are already too close and him approaching didn’t mean squat. And he made no move whatsoever to draw it.

Beginning to wonder if the folks who think he was a Democrat all along and is intentionally trying to destroy the Republican party may have been right.

to support Americans who have lost jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic and to help businesses stay open.

AFAIK double jeopardy means:

I don’t know, banging the head of a drunk driver against the hood of his car 4 times seems like a pretty reasonable use of force to me.

Interviewing CI/witnesses/domestic abuse victims/rape victims/etc. that don’t want to be videoed?


Only if we can also make it a requirement for voting?

Heck, all he would have had to do is nod his head and agree with the scientists/Fauci and he would have probably won.

Where exactly was I wrong?

Ya’ll do realize that stimulus checks aren’t INTENDED to be so out of work folks can pay their rent, right? That is entirely the point of unemployment, which, last I checked, got it’s own boost in the package.

I’m largely of the opinion that Hospitals should be in contact with the FAA (or whomever).

But the restrictions of note are like “Bars are closed” and “Restaurants are closed”. It’s the businesses that need to be able to ignore the restrictions. Being White, Rich, AND have the vaccine doesn’t help with that. You need everybody ELSE to be able to ignore the restrictions before you being able to ignore them

Considering these writers are being persecuted by the folks running those “shithole countries” for, presumably, mocking/offending those folks/that country (and I believe aren’t illegal but are brought into the U.S. by legal channels) I wouldn’t be all THAT surprised if the Trump fan was actually one of those writers.

To be honest, I’m not entirely sure I’ll be getting the vaccine myself.

“The men in the study didn’t get a vaccine. You are comparing men not getting a vaccine to a vaccine that is available,” Head said in an interview with Zora magazine this week. “How can you compare not having something to the opportunity to have something?”

Admittedly, it’s been years since I’ve watched The Last Starfighter, but I don’t really get the connection with Guardian? They were called Starfighters.