
I don’t know, just think how many fewer copy/paste bugs there would be. (other bugs? sure... but less copy/paste ones...)

I think it correct implies the reason the price is right is shutting down is because Carey’s ex fiancé died.

Not quite sure how you would interpret what I said that way. But just to make it clear, what I meant is that in their racist desire to, essentially, create a caricature to mock black people, they came up with the whole “sambo” image with nothing to base it on. THEY didn’t need prior “art” to do it.

Heh, I was thinking more or less the same thing about men and women mostly wearing the same thing, so did quick google style research. The Hebrew apparently more accurately translates into “mens items being on a woman” or “men wearing women’s garments” is “abhorrent to god”. The fact that they aren’t mirror images is

You sure about that? It’s not like we’re all still wearing the same sex specific types of clothing they were wearing back in the days of Jesus. This would simply result in yet another change to what our particular culture considers it’s sex indicators. Because though some elements of our society may disagree,

He is a student. If he isn’t getting guidance from instructors he should demand a refund.

You’re assuming there’s an informed chain of command capable of applying said brakes. The complaint allegedly isn’t that the vetting process let these accessories through because nobody thought they were offensive. The models complaint is, to quote her: “People of color are struggling too much in 2020 for the

He never Knew

Uhm, Chinese (and many other asian cultures) occasionally do eat dog, which if it wasn’t for Americans absurd cultural obsession with them, wouldn’t be a big deal. (Meanwhile, all the Indians are going “Yeah, but Americans eat cow”.) As for rats, I understand the Pangolin is likely “responsible” for the most recent

You don’t just accidentally stumble into this kind of minstrel show bullshit.

Which still doesn’t really help unless the poor, who are more likely to be unable to pay to keep their cars maintained, and thus more likely to get tickets for the same, aren’t fined at all... in which case the law loses all it’s deterrent effect.

To be “fair”, we don’t really know how widespread it was. “Everybody else was doing it too” is blame deflection 101. And even when true usually just means the handful of people the guilty person happens to hang out with. Odds are nobody would have suggested to the “good” cops, “Hey, if you need a few extra bucks, I

Any place where there is money to be made from tickets there will likely be a similar “policy”, whether official, unofficial, or simply word of mouth between individual officers. Officers will inevitably be incentivized to give tickets, so they will target areas where there is a larger chance of finding violations to

Yep, I think that’s the thing. Even if you disagree with the modern concept of gender, and think it should stay/go back to gender-as-sex, if a man (in that terminology male) likes to wear heels, a skirt, and makeup. It shouldn’t be a fucking big deal, because the corollary to gender-as-sex, is that the modern concept

Except it is a black owned bank..

But when a black man does it, he is perpetuating negative stereotypes about how black men perceive and treat women. That is harmful to the entire African American community. Snoop Dogg has 39.1 million followers on Instagram and 50 Cent [who also attacked King, separately] has 25.3 million followers on Twitter. When

Makes me sort of wonder if it’s an (over)reaction to school shootings. Any possible sign of trouble gets overescalated. Better safe than sorry, or somesuch.


1. Eh, it’s literally a lawyers job to act as if his client is innocent.
