
I’m genuinely confused about this mentality. They won’t do anything to protect kids from school shooters or preventable diseases. They won’t invest in social programs to make sure all kids have food and they don’t give a shit about the kids in concentration camps. But they’re always the first ones to cry about

I’m also a trucks-in-the-rational, engineer type, but I’ve also had a weird, remote-viewing type dream:

My mom started having dreams about her father dying two weeks before he did. He wasn’t sick - or scratch that, he actually was sick with lung cancer but hadn’t even been close to diagnosed yet. They found the lung cancer when doing an autopsy because he actually collapsed from a brain aneurysm - on Halloween night, no

I’ve had vaguely similar dreams just twice in my life, both times about my sister. She’s quite a bit older than me and was pregnant when I was 14. I was at camp when she came due and my brother was a teacher there. He came and told me one day that she was in labor and he would let me know when he knew more. Days of

I wrote about a bad dream-come-true story and I tend to explain it to myself as some sort of memory bias - that I forget all the dreams that DON’T come true - but jeez, this is such a specific thing for your mother to dream when she didn’t live anywhere near fields at the time of the dream.

This has happened to me several times! I’m an atheist and a pragmatist, as much as I love all the spooky things I’m not really a believer. But the number of times I’ve had a meaningless dream at the time suddenly come into sharp focus in my real, waking life weeks or years later is too many to ignore. Someone else

*reads that pat robertson comes out looking like the level-headed one in a situation* oh wow, we are fucked.

Reminds me of the time Krusty the Clown ate some of his famous Krusty O’s cereal.

Why link to the horrible Daily Mail when there are not-shitty publications with more thoughtful coverage?

An albino GRAND dragon.

I know she thinks she was in love, but I just see someone who was groomed.

1. Stop blasting people on Twitter. In the end, you’re almost always in a position where people demand you apologize. See examples 1-1 million!

*inexpertly* would be better, IMHO

Victoria Secret makes underwear that is designed for what 14 year old girls think boys think is sexy. 

That’s a horrifying story. I’m so sorry that happened to you, but thankful that your boss believed you and that you got out of the woods alive. The first rule of any assault is to get out alive.

Instead of hiding out with tech CEO Borgeson in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts, as some had speculated

Yesterday my cat walked into the kitchen meowing because he heard me open a can of tuna. Joke’s on him it was a can of lentil soup.

Ugh this white bitch. The dog is cute though.

Let’s face it. With Trump, racism is a desired feature, not a bug. He has two categories of supporters- poor racists and rich racists. The poor ones have always been hateful and prone to violence and use the n-word all the time. They have nothing to gain by acting like they aren’t racists. The rich ones have always

Just hopping in on another Wendy “shitbag” Williams post to make sure everyone realizes that Wendy Williams is a massive piece of shit, and all of you that pay any heed to her pile of burning garbage need to go get evaluated.

Wendy Williams is a trash human being.