Man Todd, couldn't you keep it in your pants for another hour?
Man Todd, couldn't you keep it in your pants for another hour?
Your dreams are a pestilence upon society.
Guess this is the day this feature ran out of content.
Because life is a binary and everything should now be discussed as much.
Shes younger than Padma and pretty. That's what.
So then all Josie did was make one sauce? And there wasn't enough of it? F her.
If Tom got that plate, 100% Josie goes home.
She had such an incredible smirk on her face when she said "Josie…." and then did the fake out.
but, but, DISNEYLAND
You're not Yee Yee
Um, it's spelled SAWKS
Too bad it's like at most 5% of the movie.
sigh…. WHAT A TWIST!
That's an incredibly original thought. Wonder where it came from?!
I tried to read Eye of the World, and found it abysmal.
Between this and her one review for Top Chef, this reviewer seems to hold most television shows in complete contempt. Maybe someone who actually enjoys things should be writing these up.
I feel the same way. Sweeping the Cowboys and Eagles, beating the Ravens, and winning the division was like a fever dream. Last week I was almost throwing up before the game. This week is like 'whatever happens, happens'