It serves the purpose of entertainment.
We have a fucked up relationship with animals in this country.
The idea that some of Buffy's strongest episodes are after Tara's death is pure fallacy.
So I'm ahead of these reviews and just watched the first few episodes of season 3. Shit just got real.
I just want to know when it's going to be on netflix.
The ending really fit the book I thought. I hate it when people get mad because a story stayed true to itself and didn't follow what everyone else thought/wanted it to be. See: LOST.
Oh I would never want do meet any of those people or do any of those things, but it's still an interesting book.
Yeah that book is pretty interesting.
Agreed, and no one responds to any comments noticing something the show does right.
Haven't we seen people who were dead (maybe on the highway?) that didn't have any features of having been a zombie? Did the virus 'mutate' or something?
Those cuts were I think what Shane was 'seeing' when he was turning, and the fading to black was him 'dying'.
Thanks for ruining what should have been a tense last scene, AMC.
What an intelligent response.
It's called the search function.
I also think the Georgia State station Album 88 knocks it out of the park.
Yeah I did that once. No sex for me.