Also, use this thread to have stupid arguments about LOST. We need to quarantine it.
Also, use this thread to have stupid arguments about LOST. We need to quarantine it.
Phil sounds like he's the one taking everything way too seriously.
I think you're right on the money here. I loved NIN when I was 13, started reevaluating that opinion when I was 18, and now again appreciate them for what they are.
The ending to that show was 100 times worse than the ending to LOST.
The lyrics are still pretty weak.
Yeah Tom was joking last week about how Paul has been dominating every week and has already won like 40 grand.
Chris is the WORST. He's never made anything anyone liked. He's basically been skating along by just not being the worst in any given week. Many better Chefs have already gone home.
Don't feed the trolls.
That show got really good when they stopped pulling stupid stunts like that.
Dude, that movie blows. It's like a shitty version of 2001.
That show would just need to be me watching 10 minutes of Brad prancing around in that pink suit.
A B?!!??! The ads for this make me want to murder someone.
I've recently rewatched most of 1-4 (skipping parts of 3) and if you loved the show you'll still love it. Some of the side missions feel a little silly but there are so many great character moments.
God this argument is so fucking tired. Give it a fucking break already.
PS Great description/defense of what the show as a whole was trying to do.