
Is that Tommy Wiseau?

Most of these shows suck.  I'll be watching the new Louis C.K. special instead.

Same. If I know the money is going to the artist and it's a reasonable price I have no problem paying for it.


Yeah, stop hating America.

Wow, you're awful.

Eraserhead rules.

Where's the Dawes album?  That was comedy gold.

Ugh that Mayflower one is an abomination.  The Thanksgiving one is pretty bad too.

How do we feel about the Charlie Brown Christmas sequel?

I went to the Bravo site to read Tom's blog (it's the only one ever worthwhile) and since it hasn't been published yet I checked out Hughnibrows.  Holy cow is he insane.

I hope you're a chef and not just some dude that uses roux every other day for dinner at home.  That would be ridiculous.

It's def 'B_____.  The only song of theirs I've liked is 'Skinny Love'.

You better not listen to that Bon Iver album then.

That album was lame. It's on the lower end of both of their catalogs.

Where's Dawesfly?

Bon Iver is sooooooooo borrrrrringgggggg.

The pure fact that the ads for this has him skating into the screen before kicking the board up into his hands as the Bravo TV voice guy goes 'Chef Roble starts next Sunday' made me hate this.

This movie was bullshit.  Screw Lars von Trier.

You guys are wrong, it's an aversion you can overcome.  It has to do with the brain not being able to processes the 'flavor' and matching it with soap.  However the brain can be trained and I know people who have done this.