Ege Bamyası

What about seasons one and two of The Knick?

Maybe. I also have dragon-related questions. Is Viserion an ice dragon, or just a wight? In other words, will he breathe fire or ice or nothing at all? At least, I expect that the Night King will now be able to ride Viserion past the Wall. It's interesting that Daenerys mentioned her brother Viserys in this particular

I watched the leaked Game of Thrones episode.


Reiss Nelson?

It doesn't seem coincidental that there were seven of them. Also, they're magnificent.

I also watched Arsenal vs Leicester City.

I watched Game of Thrones. I'm about to watch Rick and Morty. I listened to: Aldous Harding's Party, Jesca Hoop's Memories Are Now, Loyle Carner's Yesterday's Gone, Mogwai's "Coolverine" (from Every Country's Sun), The Moonlandingz' Interplanetary Class Classics, Oneohtrix Point Never's Good Time OST, and Thurston

"My Non-Beard of Defiance"?

I started with the latest one (366). I can't really tell what it was about, but it served it's primary purpose, which was to lull me to sleep.

Presumably related to… Twin Peaks?

I meant My Brother, My Brother and Me. Listening now.

I should listen to that podcast eh?

It's probably no coincidence that I had some weird and unsettling dreams after watching episodes of Twin Peaks.

I recently finished watching the original series. Next up: Fire Walk with Me.

What art gets you through the day?