Ege Bamyası

Armando Iannucci has written a book about classical music:


Sounds wonderful. I will be sure to check that out.

I went to an evening of experimental music/film/theatre called The Delaware Road, inside a nuclear bunker. It's difficult to describe, but the experience was wonderfully atmospheric and strange. It pushed a lot of my buttons. If you like the BBC Radiophonic Workshop ("Dr. Who Theme") and/or Raymond Scott ("Portofino"),

Some impossible owls too.

What are the twin peaks* of Twin Peaks?

"working for Viacom is…well, everyone please gather round while I read aloud from my non-disparagement agreement."

I concur. I'm sure the book will be great too.

I hate 3D. I don't understand the appeal at all.

Rob Schrab?

I watched a few episodes of Twin Peaks (most recently, "Laura's Secret Diary") and had some weird dreams, including one with Gillian Jacobs.

Tyene didn't die!

"That's not you."