Ege Bamyası

There's probably time for one more.

There are 30 episodes to watch (I have only seen 8 before). According to the Wikipedia page, the episodes are 46–50 minutes, apart from two 94-minute, feature-length episodes. Since there isn't much more than 48 hours until the next episode, I wouldn't have time for more than a few hours of sleep. I don't think it's

"I hate to see anything that divides"


Thanks. It probably goes without saying that it's a great piece.

"more chaotic"?

That's kind of how I use Twitter, but I'll try this instead.

I've never used RSS. Is it worthwhile? What do you use? Feedly?

I don't think so, since she wasn't notified about the original post.

A.A. Dowd's verdict: B.

I hate Glee Sean Hannity. I don't understand the appeal at all.

"Rusty Cage" and "Jesus Christ Pose" and "Limo Wreck" too.

This is the single greatest witch hunt of a politician in American history!


Who said it?

What are some of your favourite Chris Cornell songs (Soundgarden, Temple of the Dog, Audioslave, solo, etc)?

(upvote for the part about not gloating over anyone's death)