Ege Bamyası

That's incredible.

—OK, where was I? It was June 2006 and life had just taken an unexpected turn…
—Dad, can't you just skip ahead to the part where you meet mom?

What shall I put on my new running playlist?

Many people (including myself) do associate punk with feminism.

What do you think of Blue Cheer?

The point is that you/we might have heard of them by now, even if the allegations against Ben Hopkins had not been reported.


A positive review of their new album (A-) appeared just before the allegations were reported.

What's a good place to start with Henry Cow? That album?


Start at the beginning:

Glorbes is dead! Long live Fresno Bob!

What happened to glorbes?

Recht, as the Germans say. It's a great show from what I remember of the (short) first season.

Does it have anything to do with the numbers?

Also, that conversation between MZS and DL is wonderful.