Ege Bamyası

"Turn Down for What"?

I will try to do better in future!

There's a community of regular commenters, who have hopped from Community review to Community review, commenting on anything and everything, for five to six years. (About three years, in my case. I missed the halcyon days.) There are other Community comments sections with lots of comments here and here and here and her

Did you mean William Carlos Williams? I don't know if he wrote about blueberries or not.


Are you moving to the fictional town of Greendale, Colorado?

Are you going to Cleveland?

Every mushroom cloud has a silver lining?

What are the odds that humanity survives Trump's presidency?

Takes me back.

A few of the accounts seem to be genuine (albeit dormant).

After reading that oral history and comments on Donna Bowman's reviews, I expect that I will view the final season similarly, but I also want to remain open to… the possibility that I will I like the re-piloted version of the show, I guess.

I have so many questions about this, i.e. how did the original users lose control of their accounts, and what is the likelihood that this will happen to, say, my account? I can't find any answers, even here. I should probably erase my search history ("disqus sex accounts", "hacked russian disqus sex accounts", etc).