Ege Bamyası

I think the things you covered through the post are quiet impressive

this is exactly what i am looking from a long time. and really going to help me in the related stuff..

Valuable information and excellent information you got here! I would like to thank you for sharing your thoughts

Should I be watching The Get Down?

It is indeed. I recommend watching more episodes.

"New Orleans Jesters" is a terrible name, but still an improvement on the old one.

Have you ever seen the New Orleans Jesters?

…and Charlie Kelly Green Man?

Have you ever killed a man… with your mind?

I'm surprised that Community and NewsRadio aren't mentioned.

Is your favorite artist really Taylor Swift?

How could I forget The Good Place?

I supported the Atlanta Falcons during the Superb Owl and I guess I got some insight into what it's like to support an Atlanta team.

Be careful, SG.

How many sitcoms have had plots about lie detectors?

Would you be saying "Soccer is fun!" if you supported, say, Philadelphia Union?

まあ、あなたはそれが何であるかを知っています…それは、ピエロが車のようなものです…それはレーサーです。 それは、連邦通信委員会のようなものです…それはちょっとしたピエロのようでした…私は当時、連邦通信委員会に反対していたので、私は戦争を宣言しました。