Ege Bamyası

Did you think she was referring to *me* as a bloated, rich fuck? I thought that's what you thought for a minute. And maybe you did. And maybe she did. I don't even know anymore.

Don't you think he'd consider "bloated, rich fuck" to be a compliment of sorts?

Why can't all (association) football be CONMEBOL World Cup qualifying?

You'd have to be a brain surgeon to do that!

I shall listen to Talking Heads.

It bothers me that I can't remember when I started watching Community. It was definitely much later than most of the regular commenters here. Maybe it was around the time Harmon was fired? May or June 2012? I was a fan by the time the fourth season aired, since I had been recommending the show to anyone and everyone.

Esta muito bem. Duolingo says I am 16% fluent in Portuguese, but that's… generous.

Blackadder and so many other things.

Which "bloated, rich fuck" are you referring to?

Yeah, exactly. I/we should probably just ignore him.

“America now has a new President and whether you like him or not you have to support him or you will destroy the country. You got to make things work."

Trump's America!

Like rain?

I share your general lack of enthusiasm for mafia films/TV, but you should've sat down and watched a few seasons by now.

Does it have a distinctive sound?

Are the little baby ducks going to help with the move?