Ege Bamyası

Maybe if he tweets about it?

The Covers Record is a great record.

A singer of songs, aka Chan Marshall:

…and set in South Dakota in the 1870s.

What are your favourite songs by New Order?

Afrika Bambaataa & Soulsonic Force, Alexander Robotnick, Arthur Russell, Broadcast, Flying Saucer Attack, Florian Hecker, Fuck Buttons, Jaubi, Joy Division, The Kinks, Leonard Cohen, Lula Côrtes e Zé Ramalho, Monoton, New Order, Parliament, Royal Trux, Waltel Branco, etc.

Do you love reality TV? Are you willing to eat? Do you like Larry David? Do you dislike arguments?

I just discovered that Jennifer Lawrence told Vanity Fair in 2014 that she wanted a partner who "isn’t afraid to fart in front of me [rather] than to have big, passionate love. I’d rather have just a peaceful time." At the time J-Law was rumoured to be dating Chris Martin. So presumably that song is about their

Do you consider it to be the best book of 1818?

The Garfield/Lebowski comparison made my day!

Answer to my own question: Garfield.

Thanks for the clarification.

What are your favourite cats in pop culture?

I saw a few episodes, many moons ago.

I very nearly picked both Taste of Cherry and Russian Ark.

1980 Airplane!
1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark
1982 Fitzcarraldo
1983 Trading Places
1984 Ghostbusters
1985 Back to the Future
1986 Blue Velvet
1987 Withnail & I
1988 Coming to America
1989 Do the Right Thing
1990 Close-Up
1991 Barton Fink
1992 Man Bites Dog
1993 Groundhog Day
1994 Ed Wood
1995 Before Sunrise
1996 Fargo
1997 Princess