Ege Bamyası

"Milo has a reputation in the mainstream media for “hating” women and minorities, but in fact, he has never said anything of the sort. He does not hate women–he loves them!"

"A University of Chicago professor has gone off on Milo Yiannopoulis’s opponents, calling them "spineless c*nts." In a blog post, Associate Professor of Medieval History Rachel Fulton Brown frames Yiannopoulis as a messenger of truth preaching to a populace sick of lies…"


There seem to be lots of discussions about food.

Where can I get one of those pizzas?


Simple food is good.

Yeah, I think some people do. I don't have any data to back this up, but I think many children consider pizza (and pasta) to be "Italian food".

Do you like pizza? Do you always go for a margherita?

Are you saying that you don't oppress peasants?

Mmm. I'll have to try diplomat cake sometime.

Sometimes it's tangled up with issues like "who gets to define Italian food?" I have heard an Italian person take issue with it because it's not "authentic". It's not an "Italian" thing to do. The implication being that pizza should only be served in very specific ways, with only a few ingredients.

Thank you for your contribution!


That's fair enough. I really want an explanation from someone who *does* like pineapple but doesn't like pineapple on pizza.

It does. It's a versatile fruit. Any recipes with pineapple that you particularly enjoy?

You are too kind!

Why not?