Ege Bamyası

I decided that I would only include one track from Murmur, so "Radio Free Europe" missed the cut.

Yeah. I still thought the article was interesting, but maybe not for an aficionado.

I believe "Exhuming McCarthy" is on the list of songs featured in Dorian Lynskey's 33 Revolutions Per Minute, which I posted here recently.

It's been a long time since I have properly listened to an R.E.M. album from start to finish, but I always loved Lifes Rich Pageant and New Adventures in Hi-Fi.

It was awesome! Actually, you can download/listen to 18 of the 22 tracks from that performance here (not available: "Lotus", "The Great Beyond", "Sweetness Follows", "Cuyahoga").

I remember having really good pizza in a queue-around-the-block place in Napoli, which does/did a brisk trade and only has/had a few things on the menu. As I write this, I am reminded of Juan's Rice and Chicken. I had a margherita, which I always say is the best pizza I've ever had, and maybe that's the truth.

Not sure if I posted this before?

Up was released around the time of my peak R.E.M. fandom, so I know that album pretty well. I remember watching them at Glastonbury soon afterwards. (Yes, I'm old.)

I probably should've included "Find the River".

Fairly random selection:

Twice you've mentioned that tweet in the context of food.

True, but can't we enjoy them being dickish towards our enemies?

I am not that familiar with Rosie, aside from her anti-Trump rant on The View and her appearances as Larry David's nemesis on Curb Your Enthusiasm. It might be true that she's loud, yelly, and pushy. But Trump evidently HATES her, more than anyone, apparently. If we consider our enemies' enemies to be our friends,

Why don't you like Rosie? Also, I think we've already failed as a civilisation.

What's your all-time favourite pizza?

How about "My own personal small potatoes"?

Yeah, I assume Tom Brady will go!

Only one?

Seems… blasphemous?