Ege Bamyası

Oh, I forgot to mention his rank incompetence.

It has almost certainly never occurred to him that bad things can happen to good people. To state the obvious, he's completely blind to his own privilege and lacking any basic decency or compassion. I also noticed when he repeated that bullshit about "bad hombres" in Mexico. And I noticed when he described all

What a fucking scumbag.

Did you read this?

Worst. President. Ever.

How many times have you posted that comment?

It is refreshing to hear someone say "I don't really know" in the current climate, even when they are better informed than many others.

Maybe Turnbull wasn't obsequious enough? I don't know anything about him, but I'm not surprised to hear that he's a hardliner on immigration. As far as I can tell, the dispute was largely to do with Trump having to honour the pledge to take 1,250 refugees from an Australian detention centre ("worst deal ever", etc).

It's time for regime change in Washington. #badhombres

What the fuck? He's not happy with AUSTRALIA either:

What's your take on some of the points made in this article?

Rolling Stone is doing a series of interviews with musicians affected by the travel ban:

Have you watched Cemetery of Splendour?

That's FAKE NEWS, Eric. He's still alive.

Is he going to "all lives matter" slavery?

"I think he [Trump] wants to highlight the contributions that he [Douglass] has made and I think through a lot of the actions and statements that he [Trump?] is going to make I think the contributions of Frederick Douglass will become more and more"
—Sean Spicer