Ege Bamyası

I don't want to see or hear the word "snowflake", unless the person is referring to an actual snowflake.

Venus has never won the Australian Open…

Much weirder, probably. This here is the only review I have seen so far.

*reads some of the comments*

"…the “anime Nazi” is but a single facet of this modern hellscape we live in now, the one that will force future historians to just give up and copy-and-paste entire Reddit threads, then consider getting into technical writing for sex-bot manuals."

The trailer for Kuso is… pretty, pretty weird.


Because Sean Spicer says so?

What's all this about Dippin' Dots?

Prithee, whomever unfollow'd: reveal thyself, coward!

Do you prefer the cucumber or Twilight? Does it depend on the cucumber?

This would also have been an appropriate response:

"Maybe I can… achieve a modicum of sense."

I also live in fear that Piers Morgan will become a board member or part-owner of Arsenal Football Club.

I didn't want to jinx things, so I removed the "stranger things have happened" part of my post. As a result, your response doesn't make much sense.