
He’s white, he walks, and is a leader of zombies. I don’t see any inaccuracies with it.

Turn subtitles on. It just says Jon “screams” not that he’s saying “go go go” why would they script dialogue and then have that be the only dialogue not in the closed caption?

Them: All I know is, if you’re gonna tell me that a child is going to travel the world for eight years training and learning to become a master fighter, I’ll tell you’re being ridiculous.

Jon screaming at the dragon was 100% just Jon realizing he was getting nowhere hiding behind a rock, and figuring he’ll die one way or another, so he might as well try to kill a zombie dragon. If the Night King’s entourage didn’t even realize Arya was coming until she was being choked, there’s no way a dumb dragon and

Paltrow has said that she’s done with major appearances, like maybe she’ll have a cameo down the line but don’t expect her Endgame appearance to be the herald of things to come.

And allows the Peter Parker character to figure out how to be Spiderman without Tony Stark watching his back all the time.

Agreed. The end of Endgame reminded me of the end of Return of the King - a series of epilogues and denouements. It worked just fine.

Maybe they were referring to their own involvement in future Marvel’s projects.

It is the epilogue that explains the new status quo after the time skip.

Or maybe something teasing the arrival of the Fantastic Four in the MCU? :)

I’m not the only one who points this out, but it’s worth mentioning again. I think the final 30 minutes of the movie was basically a stream of post-credit scenes.

You win. That’s the most amazing thing I’ve read this week.

Yupp, armed with a rifle and everything

Thor restarting Tony’s heart with Mjolnir was hilarious — especially since immediately afterwards, Thor is like “I totally didn’t know if that would work, but it did! Yay!” It was a little Ragnarok humor added to Avengers Thor.

wait what? lol, he comes through a portal to fight? I missed that one.

Damn this dude seems like a HUGE MCU fan hahaha, but his experience sounds awesome. Can’t imagine I’d be that composed if I was in his shoes 

It does NOT?!?

I dunno, I’m getting Woody Woodpecker levels of terrible from it, with a mix of some Michael Bay horribleness.

You made it a gif.

Gary Chalk, Gangsta’s Paradise, AND Sonic the Hedgehog?!?