
Yeah, looks like Disney is going to Walmart the shit out of other streaming services.

$6.99 and $69.99

Umm...I was expecting them to charge $15 a month a la HBO Now and I was going to fork it over for the sake of my soon to be child. $5.80/month for the entire Disney catalog seems like a steal (nevermind the fact that I currently own all of the movies I already like).

Do they have A New Hope in hell? I’d love to watch at least one of the best two Star Wars flicks there.


He wasn’t supposed to do the third, Disney just scrambled to find someone after ditching Colin Trevorrow and landed back on Abrams. They wanted each movie to have a different director with their own unique vision, written almost concurrently, and hopefully they would fit together as a cohesive whole. That was unwise.

If JJ undoes “the Force belongs to everyone” by bait-and-switching Rey’s parentage, I’m gonna be pissed. For all of TLJ’s flaws, having Rey be born of nobodies to rise up against the Skywalker was a brilliant move. Having some stupid “Kylo was lying! You’re Super Special!” would suck hard.

Last Jedi is the third best Star Wars Movie after Empire and Rogue One and anyone who disagrees can go straight to hell.  Do not pass go.  Do not collect 200 dollars.  

I think most people use a VPN. In recent years they’ve become easy to use, cheap and speeds have increased dramatically.

The question I have to ask is who downloads the Big Bang Theory?

Nice try, HBO.

OK, from what, erm, a friend who pirates media tells me, you get infected from a number of ways:

I LOVED this episode. Everything about the TZ I love. Jordan Peele gave me chills as the Narrator. This episode rang very true to me.

They’re not all an hour long.  The first episode is, the second one is only 37 minutes.

... Phillip K. Duck? Is that what the writer of Blade Runner is called in DuckTales?

I’m an American, the only person I recognized was Tracy Morgan. Why do you need to know who the actors are, though? Most of my favorite shows I’ve gone into not knowing who any of the actors were. I will give you that the pacing was a little slow. The premise may be a bit cliché, but I thought it was well executed,

I do love Kumail. It’s kind of bonkers to have followed him from his days as a relative unknown with a video game podcast and a group of other comedian friends who also had podcasts, to someone that’s starring in some legitimately big stuff. There’s lots to hate about the internet, but to be able to follow someone’s

Don’t sweat it. CBS All Access (home of Star Trek Discovery) has a free trial!

Nope, you have to pay extra for it.

Just finished watching it.  I thought it was pretty damn good.