
That poor man. His property cruelly attacked by black fans of lily-white 90s teen comedies—aka BLM’s core constituency—and you mock him?

Does the Fuckery Dept even answer the phone? I assume their website only shows a page loading gif.

This is so many kinds of perfect. lol

You can not be serious with this. The guy was trying to frame us. Like, you literally have him up there with a “It’s a Southern than, y’all wouldn’t understand.” graphic and this was your conclusion? Girl, come on, now.

People need to understand the minds of these lunatics: They are trying to ignite a race war.

Indeed. A five-pack of BLM t-shirts would have also shown how important the cause was to him.

Thank you. Saved for future use.

But, but look at his “likes” on FB:

I thought I’d seen all the Kermit memes! CLASSIC ONE RIGHT THERE

Child please!! He is committing a crime so it can be blamed on black folk, but he is too stupid to realize there are cameras everywhere. He is Not OK, the true hero is the person who snitched on him.

It’s a Southern Racist Thang, Y’all Wouldn’t Understand

I agree. I think it was the backwards k that gave him away.

Somehow I think this story is going to get zero play.

“Look what you made him do” - FOX News

This reminds me of something....

Yeah, after looking at his past I’m filing a challenge.

I really prefer your narrative Angela. I want it to be true, but knowing my home state, I don’t think it’s going to be.

He was defacing property with the intent to blame BLM supporters for defacing/destruction of property.

Check all his social media. $10 he posted somewhere saying “c wit dem dindunuffins be spray payntin’ awe ova town?!”