
This pandora's box the SCOTUS opened is going to be scary and amazing at the same time.

I think it says something about the US when the Satanic Temple is the only one making and sense.

I'm not much on organized religion of any kind, but this stance I can get behind! I hope they take this all the way to the Supreme Court! Had a great media law class in college in which I learned that if you try to tear a hole in any amendment or law to get at someone, then beware that the group you just went after

Plus, there's the fact that there are precious few female cosplay options that don't involve ultra sexy and revealing outfits . . .

I move to institute the Ellen Ripley Rule: Compliment a female cosplayer just like you would a male cosplayer ("great workmanship!" "nice, [obscure character, nerd nod of recognition]") and you'll probably be fine.

The justification people often use is if she chose a revealing costume, obviously she wants the attention. But what people don't get is, of course everyone wants attention for their costume, but attention is not sexual harassment! Cosplayers work hard on these costumes, and the average cosplayer isn't doing it for

Wow, #notallmen in RECORD time.

If we're deconstructing modern country cliches, it would be awesome if they didn't both have fried bleach-blonde hair that's been beaten into submission with a curling iron and that terrible, same-y makeup (orange foundation, Naked palette, black liner on the waterline, two metric tons of mascara) that looks like

I get the point they're making here, but it cracks me up that they still have girls in short-shorts and bikini tops in their video. As if we wouldn't understand the reference if it was just the guys.

Yeah, I'm gonna like this one. And where can I get the pair of boots with the shark face on them, because I must own those.

It's so beautiful.


Because that sequence would have been extremely expensive to actually film in live-action, and there's no way they'd spend that much on test footage.

Yeah, twice in the first book that I recall; first time is when she sends him the email telling him that the contract is a deal-breaker and it was nice knowing him, and he responds by breaking into her house, tying her to the bed despite her protests, and telling her he'll gag her if she doesn't stop talking.

Perhaps we'll luck out and this will be a self-aware parody rather than an oblivious Red Flags of Domestic Abuse-athon?

The way that Christian Grey is obviously based on a much older woman's sense of fashion and attractiveness retrofitted to some sort of Twilight-Youth ideal?

He does?????

Why are we talking about the rapist character as if he's supposed to be an exciting and attractive representation of BDSM? He literally rapes her in the book, a number of times. Rape fantasy is fine and all, but trying to present it as a 'racy romance' is pretty fucked up.

On the right: Jamie Dornan as Christian Grey, in the ripped jeans that may be true to the book but somehow seem dated and stoner/slobby.