EXACTLY! WOC not only have to face the sexism that every women face but they deal with racism as well! There is just no winning.
EXACTLY! WOC not only have to face the sexism that every women face but they deal with racism as well! There is just no winning.
Seriously? That was my point. As a white woman I don't deal with racism, just sexism. A lot of the stereotypes in this article are rooted in sexism, so all women face them. Then you add on the racism such as being "an angry black woman". I was acknowledging that it was different and it sucks. You dont need to tell me…
Black women aren't allowed to be upset or vulnerable — they're just angry. Black women are not allowed justifiable reactions to the myriad of bullshit — racist, sexist and otherwise — that they face. Oh, you know those black ladies are just so angry all the time.
As a born and raised Seattlite and Sounders/Reign fan: COULD NOT AGREE MORE!!!
I would probably throw in the smell of summer rain on the Irish countryside
I always hated that Laguna Beach show, but I LOVED Lauren Conrad. Still do. Other than her taste in friends (and sometimes dudes but who can fault her for that I'VE BEEN THERE GIRL!!!) I have always found her to be very classy.
I don't remember her being in the 3rd book for some reason! But I dont care because I LOOOVE her and Banks :)
There is a lot of noise about it. Plus the Vikings are actually handling it pretty well. They deactivated him for yesterday and won't let him play until the matter is investigated further.
I hate the argument "people have done so much worse so we should forgive this"
It seriously makes my brain hurt
Yea I am sure that has nothing to do with the well documented psychological effects of abuse. NOT AT ALL
Do you feel better now? Did calling me a moron make you feel like a big strong man?
You aren't even worth time for a discussion because you use the word "females" in order to be patronizing and upset us. You refer to "pussy pass" like we believe in this imaginary hall pass that gets us off the hook because guys just LOOOOVE to have sex with us. Look if you want to have an honest, open discussion…
Did you see the Beyonce/JayZ/Solange elevator video? Of course you did. THAT is what you do.
It sounded to me like the dude had some pretty serious mental health issues. Really bad anxiety and some PTSD. This definitely doesnt excuse what he did but as someone with really bad anxiety I can tell you I have woken up more than once thinking someone was in the apartment with me and Mr. Offtotheraces
I think that is pretty normal. Even in the US. Sentencing rarely happens the same day as the verdict. Lawyer Jezzies, is that correct?
Mark I love you so much for assuming "harry clam purse" over ribbons.
I would wager a guess that less than 1% of football fans actually support the NFL.
We are also hypocrites for supporting Jez because Gawker Media doesn't give a sh*t about anybody