Officer Milk Carton

Man, I fucking hate it when people with different interests to me are catered to.  You win this time, 90s boy band fans.

Swapping the “Earth” Planeteer’s power to “Dirt” cracked me up. This episode was perfectly fine.

For shits and giggles.

Kurt said that Nirvana’s favourite musician was Leadbelly, which is probably where they know “They Hung Him on a Cross” from, as well as “Where Did You Sleep Last Night”.

Stones legal disputes tend involve them suing other people, although it’s more their dickish publishing company than the Stones themselves. They got a massive publishing percentage of a Carter USM song solely for the line “Goodbye Ruby Tuesday/Come home you silly cow”. More notably, they got a majority of The Verve’s

Lorelei doing “I will Always Love You” at karaoke is one of the best scenes in the show, and I’m never going to stay mad at S7 because of it.

Rory was Paris’s best friend (and even then, only after the first couple of seasons). Lane was Rory’s best friend up until highschool, when it became obvious that ASP didn’t really know how to fit her into her life anymore.

Dahl later used the word as slang  for a dick in “My Uncle Oswald”.

So does that make you a bedpan princess, Your Highness?

What prison can hold her? She can just turn into a puddle to slip through her cell bars, thanks to the powers she got from that GC-161.

Jay-walking, nay, Jay-cartwheeling-naked purge.

So Junior just needs to solve a Sphinx’s riddle, commit a quick bit of patricide, and he’s on his way to cleaning up his plate like a big boy.

We never did find out whether Carlos was found guilty of being a dwarf.

Banana flavour* >>>>>>>>>> the flavour of bananas

If you liked the TidePod challenge, you’ll love the AirPod challenge.

Now playing

Jack from Home and Away and his phat drum beats or GTFO.

Making her a “time god” might add some dimension to her

Kingpin has Richman too (playing a bowling alley if memory serves), and it opens with The Go-Betweens’ “Spring Rain” making it the superior film.

Looks like they replaced the songs with Seger’s but Bogdanovich sued Universal for denying his final cut privilege, so now all cuts have the Springsteen restored.