Someone save the cat!
Someone save the cat!
^The Wreck of the S.S. Inevitable
Thanks, bees.
About 35!
My wife and I used to live in, and still own, a beautiful 1910 house in Burlington, North Carolina. Wraparound porch, four bedrooms, lovely place. Still a coal chute to the cellar for the three (!) coal fireplaces the joint has.
For some reason, the word 'Rascal' always makes me picture a raccoon.
'Damn it, I'm not a child anymore!' - Daniel Radcliffe
Have you read 'Revival' yet? At the very end of the book, it rivals 'Pet Sematary' at least in pure nihilistic bleakness, if not black-as-death terror.
Q: Three great and classic albums, a mediocre one, and then a legendary shit-bomb from hell. What happened?
Tatum O'Neal needs money, too!
i did that job for a couple years in high school…still get PTSD flashbacks when visiting a theater.
Halle, watch out, you're gonna lose your Commemorative Shreveport Farmer's Market Totebag!
North Carolina did away with tax credits for films, because Republicans. Y'know, they love jobs, except when it's historically progressive jobs.
How many more of these will we have to suffer before the Academy revokes Berry's Oscar so she can stop getting roles?
"Is it the way Karla pats her van like a horse after it crashes into a tree?"
nah, that's Anthony Scaramucci.
Remember that time Steve Bannon 'found a stranger in the Alps'?
Next Stop, Dancing With The Stars!
Not the film Nolan was making, and it's condescending, frankly, to insist everyone has to be included like this is fifth-grade softball or some shit. A film can be great without having to tick all the precious representation boxes. It isn't 'racist' because it happens to focus largely on white British soldiers, that's…