Officer Meow Meow Fuzzyface

No Regina King was disappointing but otherwise this was everything I hoped for and more.

A fair point.

Yeah, because it could never possibly conceivably happen, right? Look, I'm not saying I'm not wrong, I totally could be and often am, but 99 percent on Rotten Tomatoes? The film is not automatically brilliant because it tackles racial issues. It was a very average film and the only conclusion I can come to is that at

There's no defense against it, man. It's a derailment tactic to silence fair criticism, and the more you stand up for yourself, the more they'll double down. It's a zero-sum game, I'm afraid. Lengthy negative critiques of something like say Battlefield fucking Earth are acceptable, but you aren't allowed to do that on

Nah. Any piece of media is entitled to thorough critique both positive and negative. Dismissing any detailed negative reactions to this as 'racist' is not only insulting, it's excusing it from negative critique based on its content, a dangerous precedent to set.


I wish folks would just leave Amanda Knox alone. The poor woman has suffered enough and just wants a quiet normal life. To see her dragged back into the spotlight by this tantruming pile of sociopathic man-child is disheartening.

I was on board at 'FOSSIL JIM'

Reptilicus 6-5000!

NEGAN: My girl Lucille's thirsty for BLOOD! *leans back, grins toothily*
RICK: Whatever, MEGAN.
NEGAN: *dissolves into tears*
KORL: *tries to act, fails*

Zombies get crushed by a rolling Randy's Donuts logo.

Anytime someone slags on Mothership TWD for those reasons or others, my reaction is essentially, 'have you SEEN the spinoff?'

You're advised to avoid the first fifteen minutes of the second Final Destination movie, as it covers 6 and 13 in horrifying detail.

Furries seem by and large harmless and good-hearted. Leave people alone and let them have their kinks. :( We should all be so open about our fetishes before we judge those of others.

so people who participate in group sex are automatically not to be trusted around the precious children? that rules out a lot of devoted parents, i'm afraid. not sure how taking part in an orgy means you'll abuse children.

there's times where the term is absolutely appropriate. but its become a lame catchall for 'every time a white person helps out/is nice to a black person' and i find that pretty lame. i'm not watching this ball of shit, but from the description it seems more like the latter here.

i forgot i was reading AV Club until they dropped 'white savior' in from nowhere. Because a white character was nice and helpful to a black character.

I stopped reading after the line about LA having less character than New York. That's absolutely ridiculous, sorry.

My Mom and I fell asleep during What Lies Beneath. That movie sucked a donkey's balls.

C'mon Jay, say YES to the dress.