“Bootstraps” was bullshit coined back in the 1980s when they deregulated Wall St and proceed to fuck us all straight to hell.
Lettuce is just crunchy water. And potatoes are just a root.
not only that, just think of how many kids out there want to be just like these worthless oxygen thieves.
This man is literally out here collecting black people for his little black menagerie. I thought we were mostly done with this nakedly transactional version of politics our community has so often played in the past.
Oh yeah, I like you. You’re on my team with dudebra.
There is a certain callousness to looking at all the horrific shit that really happened in concentration camps and saying "naww, we need to come up with some new shit."
Black folks an’t got no time for race war shit. Racists have spent the last 200+ years trying everything they know to get black folks to rise up as whole and fight so that racists can try to kill them all and other then a few times, most black folks shrug, bury their dead and move onwards.
Sue for all the monies. Fucking racist fucks.
While the 13th amendment abolished slavery, it still permitted its use as punishment for a crime.
You ignorant asshole. Everything you say in this moronic, evil comment is false. Trump is a Russian asset and has been for decades . Trump is creating jobs at a slower rate than Obama did and is losing jobs in the industrial sector. The one that he lied about championing. His giveaway tax cuts to the very rich have…
I never blamed Trump for being a low level, piece of dogshit. He’s a fucking punk who thinks he’s some type of Lex Luthor genius super criminal when in reality he’s a dunderheaded, bumbling half wit with the intellect of a sports talk radio call in regular. I blame The GOP, the supposed we love this country and all of…
Trump hates democracy and the people of the United States. Trump is a traitor.
Yeah, as if golf is a sport that requires athleticism. All those years training to get in and out of golf carts is soooo strenuous. The fact that he cheats at this non-sport makes the Circus Peanut in Chief look even worse (although that fat-ass shot of him on the tennis court is a doozy, lol).
Fuck that guy and the twisted minority of idiot Americans that mindlessly agree with him. They need to be shut up.
This is what happens when you’ve never spent a moment studying economics.
Cue the endorsement deals! Is there a company called Fat Fuck Polo Shirts?