

Sacha Baron Cohen is a super smart man, a compassionate person, and that speech is just what the doctor ordered. I really think that FB and Twitter should be brought to heel, and I think it’s stupid to expect the current US government to do it, so it’s pretty much up to us.


Much better option than Q-Tips. Part of the problem with cotton swabs is the cotton fibers left in the ear, creating even more blockage.

How about we just launch Bruce Willis into space as a preemptive measure?

Oh good God, all of this. RPO directly removed Spielberg from the conversation. Any digs Spielbergo has against superhero movies are null and void.

Yes and no. Bear in mind, a lot of the tech that was already developed by the time the squid fell (and by the time Manhattan left), was *way* beyond what we have now. A public company was farting around with teleporters on 11/2, and regular people like us knew about it. If that happened in 2019 in our universe, people

Oh my God, with this shit.

Eh, maybe. I know German accents pretty well; we spoke it in my house when I was little. It just sounds like an Englishman with a few marbles in his mouth, blustering through a vague East Coast/Texas accent. It sounds indistinguishable from his Die Hard American accent (I know his character was a kraut

I think the most distracting part of the Veidt thread is Jeremy Irons’ terrible American accent. For such a great actor, his American accent is just awful. He’s right where he left off on Die Hard With A Vengeance.

See? We’re already getting into the weeds of a word salad. Let’s just seal the Trumps (and really, the rich who won’t join us) in a nuke test crater, with a foot-thick concrete cap on top.

Well, “Worthless Piece of Shit Ghostwritten for an Even Worse Piece of Pathetic Nazi Shit” doesn’t really work for brick and mortar bookstores.

Sit on it, Potsie

That’s patently stupid, myopic, and fucking rude.


I find it repulsive and insulting that we feel forced to submit to this situation of monopolistic abuse. Not even just cell carriers, but almost all utilities, writ large. Here in Cali, almost all of the electric companies are embroiled in some controversy or another. LADWP just got raided by the FBI for price gouging

You opera stars are so fucking stuck up, Enrico Palazzo.

Sounds like a Finnish Nazi porn name, admittedly. His parents must be something else.

I did that, to little improvement. I switched over to Verizon, after years of being gouged at AT&T. Verizon has the same idiot concept of “Unlimited”

Dignified, McDonald’s, and not super desperate at all.