I get nausea every time I see an Aztek. That this has and always will be fugly. The only thing nostalgic for me about that thing is Breaking Bad...
Cool info! Thanks
Did they try blowing on it??
That’s some Magneto type damage. That shit is awesome. Great video!
R.I.P Canyoncliffs
She’s still hot, I gotta admit..
Don’t you change it, you sit there and you soak in it damn it.....
Wow!! Thanks for the links, these are freakin’ awesome!! I just spent the last 45 minutes at work looking at ‘aviation porn’.....
Who is Dewey and what is this ‘system’ you speak of......???
Wu-Tang forever!!!!!!!!
Do as I say...
So as a professional, do you have any recommendations? What would you do that would drastically change all of this?