Charles Lettuce

It is!

Dan tweeted that it is. No in-app purchases either, apparently.

What a reasonable comment.

Dan is confirmed to have done voice work for the game, so the possibility does exist. Or perhaps we will get another flu-hatin' rap. Either one is totally wubba lubba dub dub.

Well, I've only seen her in-person once and I know virtually nothing about her as a human being. Although I suppose that may be the definition of a crush. The weird part is how much she resembles/reminds me of my high school infatuation.

It is worth tracking down, whether that be on DVD/iTunes or through less legal means. The last three eps, in particular, send the series off on one hell of a note.

Jim Rash is a national treasure; you are wrong.

I just wanted to let you know: I downvoted you.

Blame Gentle Herpes!

I did

It had apps for 360 and eventually Chromecast

U owe it to urself to check out the finale of s6…

If u haven't seen the s6 finale ur missing out

For my turn, I pity Pierce Park Slope Punxy.

It comes out in March; Yahoo had a 1-year deal

Upvoted u for that relatively obscure reference.

I farted during the fourth one. It's an inside joke.

Same, although I pretty much exclusively used to the Apple TV app. YMMV, I imagine.

If you have to ask you're streets behind.

Nice compareference. You ever get it working?