
can’t let facts get in the way of social justice

not every editorial choice is the brutal iron fist of the heteronormalcy crushing you, ya know.

Oh yes, Europeans intruded into a virtual eden where there was no war, or slavery and everyone just hung out and sang kumbya.

meh these games got old fast.

thats why I like Miyazaki Preteens are monumentally less annoying than teenagers.

Did Franklin ever get a last name?

Sounds to me like she needs to grow up. The coach needs to learn to let crap go. Both of them should be sentenced to spending a day in a 5x get-a-long jersey.

I agree with you, you don’t fight ignorance by yelling at it, or mocking it you fight at it by teaching. Unfortunately, on the old gwkersphere making fun is far more fun, so I don’t think you will get traction here.

It just won’t be the same with out Mary...

Funny thing about this is I don’t think its as much racist as it is just people refusing to accept that people change and culture evolves. I mean seriously, Norwegians might have been the Ole and Lena country bumpkins of Europe 100 years ago, but does anyone seriously think of that as what 21st century Norwegians are

Well we know how I09 and Kotaku feel about the movie. Have they run as single positive story or Neutral story about the movie at all? It’s Iron Fist all over again. You are literally trying to poison the movie, for no reason other than you disagree with a casting choice. Do you realize how ridiculous that is? I am

Ahh yes the we have some bogus social justice issue with the movie=bad movie school of reviewing that has spread across the family of sites like a plague.

Jezebel will be tolerable for a day, Time enough at last.

It was a cheap shot but

Uh I am going to say that your handy graphic (based on which data?)

mens rights are where womens rights were 50 years ago, the crazies are in charge right now. There are absolutely serious issues Masculinity that needs to be sussed out, it can be possible to be distinctly fantastically and separately male without turning it into femininity light, nor does it have to be built on

I am a firm believe that people who rate people on a number scale based on looks should also do some serious soul searching.

I agree, it doesn’t matter what level of privilege you have a victim is a victim is a victim and should be treated accordingly.

wow what a lily livered chickenshit

is he somehow less entitled to work than anyone else?