
yeah its smells like a CW show.

I am sure there are people that feel that Twilight was excellent too.

the pilot was sort of very meh to me but I do have a lot of down time coming up so maybe?

They introduced a f-ton

I remember that theory too, but that seems to be counterindicated given what Sheev said in Tarkin about the darkside hoodoo seeping into everything like some kind of dank floodwater.



thank you cyber woman is not that bad

what about the 24 year old doing the same because they can’t afford to move out ?

yeah, I know the seperatists actually had to PAY for the wars which is why they usually opted for the cheaper snarkier non-central controlled battle droids, but seriously the rollers and maybe buzz droids were about the only effective weapons the CIS had. I mean you have anti-lightsaber pikes why do you not have

It is indeed the weakest of the original six

I had forgotten about Doctor Horrible

Thats the problem with doing something on the downlow. If you are trying to skate through on the cheap and you have gotten away with it, EVENTUALLY you will run into a small time dick who will call you on it. This isn’t a Trump issue that is a humanity problem.

I am 100% behind you!

Please I just watched whoivans argure about the proper wording of the callbox sign.

I don’t even mind yo-yoing back to Earth to be protecting the vault.

can’t let facts get in the way of social justice

Could we then have a pointless mystery stumble into a ham fisted romance with dreary slapstick provided by a protocol droid that somehow meanders into a war climaxing with Grover dueling Dracula.. IN CGI!

The Republic.. I think there were episodes about getting money to pay for stuff, but it was all more or less (4 year old spoiler) Palpatine maneuvering to get control over the power of the galactic purse, so he could build (40 year old spoiler) a Death Star (1 year old spoiler) So it could be a big threatening ball

when all you have is a slingshot, the whole world looks like you should stick a nail through it and shoot it.