
Ariana Grande, not sure if singer or new drink at Starbucks.

I think America does need a hard reboot, a hardware upgrade and 21st century European style socialist-capitilism operating system installed.

No the Kardashians are histories greatest monsters.

Nixon did some good things, but usually for the wrong reasons.

You are kind of projecting some Reagan hate there, Reagan was not the only one not to take AIDS seriously.

He’s just not a good person.

well we werent going to pay a set license anyway so no revenue was lost now was it.

I agree with you. If there was ever a vicitmless crime it was pirating BBC shows in America. We weren’t scofflawing the TV set license, we werent taking ad revenue from a stateside broadcast and were wern’t taking away a DVD sale.

2 years ago I would have said you were nuts, and then we elected a orangutan reality TV star president, So why not Al.

Secrets are secrets, it was not her call to make and she paid a fair price for it.

this is one case where I will say the “Not every but any” philosophy is actually valid and should be followed.

I agree but that stuff was also done in the pre-internet days too. Letters graffiti and the like.

Death threats, seriously.

good for them

I get your point.

its kind of weird how whenever anyone has one of these one on one meeting with The clownfish clusterfuck they always come out singing his praises, Its like he shoves his ovipositor down peoples throats and plants little Barons in them

I am sad to see what is an institution close down, but a little confused as to why people want to blame PETA and environmentalists for this. People’s tastes have changed, we live in a digital age and there is competition. If anything the RBBB circus should have gone away from old school clowns and animal acts a long

its stupid

Nice work Rick Perry

welcome to Jezebel