Genocide? Don’t you think that’s a bit hyperbolic?
Genocide? Don’t you think that’s a bit hyperbolic?
I am not going to google that
Exactly, I am not sure that qualifies as sexism...I mean no one is telling her she can’t DJ, she is much more well known as a music performer, so that would be my expectation, so I can get why people might be disappointed by that, hell some people pitch a fit when their food is touching.
I can hate all those things and still think that its a bad idea to try and solve it by trying to just turn whiteness into the bad evil other, you are just subbing one form of discrimination for another. We need to set about dismantling the institutions not just hand the keys over to some other group.
Reading this article being from Wisconsin is like this:
well at least they weren’t yelling at them in Arabic.
My son watches Pat and Jen, who do the minecraft/ game channel, they are kind of cute and good natured and fun. but for every one of them there are like 100 douchebros.
If someone is freaking out and shouting and causing and issue before we even take off, fuck them.
I hope that young people of today are tired of our fake reality tv bullshit
Axial Tilt is the reason for the season
Given that the Poles are shitting on my German Ancestor’s farm right now, I cannot be unbiased on the subject, but you know what screw the Poles.
I agree , its utterly fascinating how people who claim white men are so weak are in such a constant state of pants wetting fear of them. Its almost like they are projecting.
Why do I have a feeling that the constitutionality of the president’s actions is a topic that is going to come up a LOT in the next 4 years.
Seriously, its not like white people are the only ones capable of being racist.
I bought a fake tree at a 2nd hand store for $10, that sucker paid for itself year one.
Kind of like when Principal Rooney turns out to be a pederast.